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Enhanced Aerial Firefighter

CL-415EAF Enhanced Aerial Firefighter

After acquiring the CL-215, CL-215T and CL-415 Type Certificates in late 2016, Viking—in partnership with Longview Aviation Services (LAS) and based on feedback from the operator group—elected to introduce an “Enhanced Aerial Firefighter” (EAF), mirroring the CL-215T conversion program and updating with the addition of operator requested enhancements. To support this new CL-415EAF program, LAS has acquired a fleet of CL-215 aircraft for conversion to the Viking CL-415EAF standard.

The CL-415EAF include the winglets, finlets, higher operating weights, increased capacity firebombing system, and foam injection system of the CL-415. In addition to these standards, other improvements have been introduced with the Viking CL-415EAF conversion upgrade. The improvements introduced in the LAS converted CL-415EAF aircraft would naturally lead to setting a new production standard for aerial firefighting aircraft.